Welcome to the MCI GB

The Masters Du Cheval Ibérique is the only European dressage league and championship specifically for Iberian horses. Each participating European country has its own representative association to organise and manage an annual series of qualifying events from which is drawn a team to compete at the European Championship each year.

The MCI GB is the official British Association for The Masters Du Cheval Ibérique and our qualifying series includes dozens of events across the country each year. We welcome both purebred and partbred/Fusion PREs (Pura Raza Española) and PSLs (Puro Sangue Lusitano) to compete in our series and at our UK Championship Event held every year, although only purebred horses may qualify for the European Championship.

The 2024 European Championships will be held on the 23rd to 27th October at Exloo in the Netherlands. Our British team is selected based on qualifying scores and the numbers of competitors that we may take in each class/level.

This year our MCI National Championships will be held at Addington Manor on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September 2024.

ENTRIES ARE NOW OPEN https://entry.equipe.com/meetings/4288.

CAvago 2023 National Championships

Huge Congratulations to all our 2023 National Champions and Reserve Champions:

Young Horse Champion: Kirsten Mayne and Habano GB, Young Horse Reserve: Chloe Jacques and Nerval de Mezenc

Level 0B Champion (Novice 7 years+): Sarah Ficus VII, Level 01 Reserve: Richard Townsend and Melodico SAP

Level 1 Champion (Elementary): Sarah Fitton and Ficus VII, Level 1 Reserve: Patsy Bartram and Varonil Eucalipto

Level 2 Champion (Medium): Tasha Wakeley and Onis de la Espada, Level 2 Reserve: Kerry Mackin and Amaranto D'Centurion

Level 3 Champion (Advanced Medium): Jessie Kirby and Agente SB, Level 3 Reserve: Emma Pewter and Rafael

Level 4 Champion (PSG/Inter I): Tori Peter and Epa, Level 4 Reserve: Emma Nuttall and Hispanico

Level 5 Champion (Inter B): Gemma Moss and Guadiana Caniceira, Level 5 Reserve: Justine Armitage and Don Soberano MT

Level 6 Champion (Grand Prix): Karen Shepherd and Pepperwood Esmerilhao, Level 6 Reserve: George Blackburn and Tormento LIV